• May 2025,
  • Conference and
    networking events
  • Investment Opportunities
    and Introductions


May 13, 2019
May 13, 2019
8:00 – 08:45
8:00 – 08:45
Registration, Morning Coffee
9:00 – 10:30
9:00 – 10:30
Lessons from World Crisis and Preparation for a New Turning Point in 2019-2020.
The world in an era of constant crisis. How to prepare for new imbalances in the global economy? What to expect in Cyprus?

Keynote Speech by Philip Ammerman
Assessing the Cyprus Investment Strategy Results and Key Risks Going Forward.
This presentation will review the results of efforts to promote Cyprus as a national investment destination. It will identify some key risks by companies based here going forward, and how to address them.

Keynote Speech by Ajay Goyal
Cyprus – a diamond in the rough that is waiting to be polished and shine?
Cyprus trying everything - Casino, Golden Visa, Gas, Tourism... but is there a clear sense of direction where this country can be 20-25 years from now? That choice will be necessary to attract right capital, in right sectors, create right kind of education system and jobs.

Panel Discussion: Anti-crisis Strategies in an Era of Economic Uncertainty.
Philip Ammerman, Managing Partner, Navigator Consulting Group, Greece-UK
Ajay Goyal, Creative Entrepreneur & Venture Investor, Cyprus-India
Yiannis Misirlis, Founding Director, Imperio Group, Cyprus
Jimmy Sexton, Founder and CEO, Esquire Group, UAE
Artem Paleev, Managing Partner, Korpus Prava, Russia
10:30 – 11:00
10:30 – 11:00
Networking Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:30
11:15 – 12:30
Investments in Real Business: Production Industry, Services, Education, Medical Tourism, Film Production, Hospitality Industry, Aviation, Agriculture, Energy, Shipping.
Most Promising Industries in Cyprus. Predicted and Potential Return on Investments. Regulatory Environment. Development in the Digital Age. Data Management. Case Studies: Successful Investment Strategies.

George Chrysochos, Director, Cyfield Group of Companies
George A. Danos, Founder and President, Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation
Stefanos Papilidis, General Manager, Alumil CY
Christianna Diogenous, CEO, Unicars
Pavlos Paradisiotis, CEO, Paradisiotis Ltd
Christos Pittas, General Manager, Eden Resort
Farah Shamas, Managing Director, St Raphael Resort and Marina
Capt Eberhard Koch, Chairman, CEO and a Partner of Oesterreichischer Lloyd Shipping Group Elvira Ribas, General Manager, OSMIUM Cyprus

Moderator: Sean Alimov, Commercial Director, Vestnik Kipra Group
12:15 – 12:30
12:15 – 12:30
Networking Coffee Break
12:30 – 13:30
12:30 – 13:30
Special guest. Interview and open conversation with H.E. Mr. Yiorgos Lakkotripis, Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry: «Cyprus as an investment destination: strategy, policy, innovations.»
BEST INVEST Exhibition and Presentations.
5-min presentations by exhibitors on the largest projects of Cyprus.
12:30 – 16:00
Megaron C
Conference Room

12:30 – 16:00
Megaron C
Conference Room

Training by Igor Mann «No1 in Real Estate»
Who is this training for? For sales directors: implement 100% of your work plans. For real estate agents: gain more with interests calculated from deals of the attracted clients. For sales managers: become the best manager of the year. Sell more. Fight your fears. Overcome rejections. Learn to hear your client. Increase your productivity
13:30 – 15:00
13:30 – 15:00
Business Lunch for Congress Participants.
15:00 – 16:30
Panorama Hall
*The session will be
held in Russian language
with simultaneous
translation into English

15:00 – 16:30
Panorama Hall
*The session will be
held in Russian language
with simultaneous
translation into English

International Seminar on Taxation and Regulations in Cyprus and Russia. Actual problems and opportunities of doing business in Cyprus and Russia: tax risks, currency regulations, mandatory requirements, obligations, amnesty of capitals*. Keynote Speech by Artem Paleev, Managing Partner, Koprus Prava.
• Риски автоматического обмена информацией.
• Налоговое и валютное резидентство: основные отличия резидентства и гражданства.
• CRS и особый контроль лиц, получивших гражданство и резидентство по ускоренной или инвестиционной программе.
• Уведомление об открытии счете в иностранном банке и отчет о движении
денежных средств.
• Валютное законодательство: запрещённые валютные операции.
• Контролируемые иностранные компании (КИК): уведомления, налогообложение прибыли.
• Признание иностранной компании налоговым резидентом РФ.
• Применение соглашений об избежании двойного налогообложения, Real Substance и
фактический получатель дохода.
15:00 – 16:30
Megaron B
Conference Room

15:00 – 16:30
Megaron B
Conference Room

Thematic Session on Business and Private Insurance.
Insurance Brokerage in Cyprus for Business and Individuals
• Financial Risk Insurance and Surety Bond Coverage.
• Cyprus Government Medical and Health Plan: known and unknown details.
• What is the role of private insurances like Bupa in the new Health Plan?
• Why it is preferred to use a broker? How a broker can customize an insurance contract and
create substantial saving on insurance premium?
• What are the impacts of Cyprus being a European country on insurance legislation?
• The role of the Insurance Supervisory in Insurance Market.

Homi Motamedi, CEO, CISRM Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers Ltd
Amanda Chrysaphi, Health Insurance Officer, Health Insurance Organization Cyprus
Naresh Baldawoo, New Business Consultant for SME groups, Bupa Global EEA
Carolina Melo, Account Manager, Bupa Global EEA
19:00 – 21:00
19:00 – 21:00
Business Cocktail Reception for participants of the event and selected prominent investors and investment specialists from Cyprus and abroad, CEOs and directors of International and
local financial institutions and VIP guests (political and business leaders of Cyprus).

May 14, 2019
May 14, 2019
8:00 – 08:45
8:00 – 08:45
Registration for the first session. Morning coffee.
9:00 – 10:30
9:00 – 10:30
CYPRUS - INDIA Business Meeting. Prospects of Mutually Beneficial Cooperation. Welcome address by H.E. Dr. R.K. Raghavan, High Commissioner of India
10:15 – 10:45
10:15 – 10:45
Coffee Break. Registration for the second session.
11:00 – 12:30
*The session will be
held in Russian language
with simultaneous
translation into English

11:00 – 12:30
*The session will be
held in Russian language
with simultaneous
translation into English

CYPRUS - RUSSIA Open Discussion. Working Together under Difficult Circumstances*. Welcome address by H.E. Ambassador of Russia Mr. Stanislav Osadchiy Keynote Speech by Julia Prokofieva, Head of Legal and Consulting Movchan's Group
1. Ситуация с российским бизнесом в аспекте возможностей для инвестирования:
• отток капитала из РФ;
• рассуждения о терминах «тонкая капитализация», «кондуитная компания», «see through» в разрезе российского и кипрского законодательства;
• глобальные инвестиции с применением КИК – за и против;
• введение требований о substance на Карибах – повышение инвестиционной
привлекательности Кипра.
2. Глобальные инвестиции для резидентов РФ и Кипра - физических лиц:
• непрозрачная ситуация со статусом резидента в РФ, налоговые последствия, валютное законодательство;
• получение резиденства на Кипре в инвестиционных и налоговых целях;
• рассмотрение различных вариантов инвестирования при различных резиденствах, способы налоговой оптимизации: напрямую, через брокера, через КИК, через фонды.
13:00 – 14:30
13:00 – 14:30
Networking Business Lunch
16:15 – 16:45
16:15 – 16:45
Coffee Break. Registration for the last session.
17:00 – 18:30
17:00 – 18:30
CYPRUS - MIDDLE EAST Get Together Event: Business and Centuries-tested Friendship. Investment Projects in Cyprus: Best Practices and New Perspectives.
H.E. Mrs. Claude El Hajal, Ambassador of Lebanon to Cyprus
Ahmed Elsayed Bassiouny Elsayed, first secretary, Embassy of Egypt
Nadeem Al Kabariti, Vice-President of the Jordanian-Cyprus Business Association
Farah Shammas, Managing Director, St.Raphael Hotel

George Chehwane, President of Lebanese-Cypriot Business Council