
  • Sergey Tsyptsyn
    CEO, CG EVENT, Scientific Researcher, AI Expert
    Sergey Tsyptsyn is an educator and evangelist in the field of computer graphics and artificial intelligence. He has Ph.D in Physics and Mathematics, theoretical background in chaotic dynamics and scientific visualization, many years of experience as a scientific researcher.

    Sergey is author a multi-volume apocryphal work "Understanding Maya", the only monograph in Russian language on the subject of 3D animation. Since 2006 he is the founder and producer of the international conference on computer graphics CG EVENT. Sergey is also founder of THE HUB community IT-events that are organized in Limassol every Friday. He maintains a telegram channel (http://t.me/cgevent) on AI, graphics, digitization of the world, digital people and other cyberpunk topics - his expertise and wide view on AI-technologies are connected to computer graphics, new media technologies, visual content, AR/VR/MR, 3D-scanning, digitization of the world.